The Collegium Voytylianum Foundation was established by the Archdiocese of Krakow (Poland), represented by His Excellency Archbishop Prof. Marek Jędraszewski – Metropolitan of Krakow in 2023.
The goals of Collegium Voytylianum are in particular:
studying of the centuries-old scientific, sacral and cultural heritage of Cracow church province, with particular emphasis on the heritage of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła – Holy Father John Paul II;
sharing and disseminating of the important monuments of religious and scientific culture, in particular editing sources;
organizing domestic and foreign academic, cultural and pastoral initiatives;
developing, in Poland and abroad, of scientific and research activities related to current social and cultural challenges;
creating an intellectual base for pastoral initiatives focused around the Archdiocese of Cracow.
Collegium Voytylianum achieves its goals by:
editing of sources;
carrying out scientific and research activities;
organizing national and international conferences, congresses, debates, conventions, symposiums and scientific seminars, in particular interdisciplinary ones;
preparing scientific and popular science publications, including foreign ones;
cooperating with church and secular entities in Poland and abroad;
obtaining funds from domestic, foreign and the EU subsidies;
leading various formative activities (conducting courses, lectures, trainings, etc.);
taking active part in promotional and popularizing activities (organization of meetings, exhibitions, cultural and social events, etc.);
engaging in social media;
organizing student internships.
The activity of Collegium Voytylianum focuses on three pillars: discovery, study, and popularization. On the one hand, getting to know the thoughts of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła requires discovering the sources he was inspired by, which he breathed and which he created. In turn, the sources brought to light should be subjected to a scientific study that systematizes, details, and updates them. Finally, for the results of research work to have an impact on society, it is necessary to make them public – both in a scientific and popularizing form.
projects 2023-2026
The activities of Collegium Voytylianum planned for 2023-2026 will include in particular:
development of the Theologia voytyliana series (in English), i.e. a full and systematic course of theology inspired by the ideas and philosophical method of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła and showing its providential implementation in the form of the papal teaching as John Paul II;
popularization of the teaching of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła/Pope John Paul II in social media;
cataloging and making available of Cracow book collection of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła and the Roman book collection of his student Stanisław Grygiel;
international theological, philosophical and familiological symposia (including the International Congress for Marriage and Family, which has been held regularly in Cracow for several years);
critical edition of the first Cracow theological textbooks used at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Cracow (Utrum Deus gloriosus, Communis lectura Pragensis).
Monografia Wojtyły “Człowiek w polu odpowiedzialności” (1978) została pomyślana jako podręcznik etyki personalistycznej i tym samym kontynuacja jego książki “Osoba i czyn” (1969), która poświęcona była filozofii osoby. Wraz z dziełem “Miłość i odpowiedzialność” (1960) tworzy personalistyczny tryptyk, w którym myśl o osobie podąża cyrkularnie od etyki przez antropologię do etyki
Konsekwentnie sama naczelna kategoria godności ludzkiej opisywana jest w ostatniej odsłonie tryptyku dualistycznie. Godność przysługuje człowiekowi na dwa sposoby: „z [tej] racji, że jest osobą” – czyli jako rzeczywistość dana; „z tej właśnie racji [że] powinien [o nią] zabiegać” – czyli jako rzeczywistość zadana.
Having sources in the form of the Church’s deposit of faith and phenomenological philosophy open to metaphysics as a method, expressing Wojtyła’s thought and describing the divine-human meeting, theologia voytyliana is a systematized and dynamically developed complete course of phenomenological theology. Due to the lack of its formal elaboration, it is called not so much the theology of Wojtyla, but rather the Wojtylian theology, i.e. one that, by pointing to its material founder, at the same time defines the style of theologizing created by his inspiration, but independent of him.
The first layer of theologia voytyliana is a description of historical, philosophical, or theological sources available in Cracow milieu during Karol Wojtyła’s lifetime. The last layer indicates the shape which – with a whole arsenal of methodological objections – Wojtylian theology took in the teachings passed down in the documents of Saint John Paul II the Great. The central part of the project is a methodical description of all levels of the divine-human meeting, traversing the path of triple reduction (cf. FeR 83): from phenomenological reduction (reducing all manifestations of the encounter with God to how one experiences Him), through transcendental reduction (showing where the meeting with revealing God is mediated), to the fundamental reduction (extracting the final arguments as to why a given meeting takes place).
number of years of priesthood of Rev. Karol Wojtyla
number of years of Bishop Wojtyla’s ministry
number of years of John Paul II’s pontificate
number of days of Karol Wojtyla’s life
pastoral resources
Materiały homiletyczne
na uroczystość świętego Jana Pawła II, papieża (22 października 2023 r.)